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- dimitrios@mistriotis.com
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My current CV: Dimitrios Mistriotis Curriculum Vitae.
Links to documents mentioned in the CV
My Book: IT Archetypes
An insider's look at the mind of a software developer.

In an era defined by software, we actually know very little about the people who write all those lines of code that power it. "IT Archetypes" aims to change that.

CyberSpectrum: A podcast in Greek about society, IT, literature, immigration and living abroad.
Read More
- Reading Hacks: my reading more HOW-TO, local copy
- Red Flags in Interviews, local copy
- Comic Strip Inspiration for IT, local copy
- 🇬🇷 Ας μιλήσουμε για ψευδείς ειδήσεις, local copy
- 🇬🇷 Τι δεν θα μου λείψει από αυτούς που γράφουν άρθρα για το τι δεν θα τους λείψει από την Ελλάδα, local copy
- 🇬🇷 Η άποψη μου για το τι συμβαίνει στην Ελλάδα τα τελευταία δέκα χρόνια, local copy
UK IT business - the bad and the ugly
- Discusing the negative aspects, because we all know the positive. Was initially thinking of a long essay, but decided to split it into smaller pieces. First one is titled "Problematic business relationships" and is about the orientation of UK's IT industry, local copy
- Second is the "Kiske field" about hiring and promotions, local copy
- Last one is "culture shocks" about differences in business culture and conclusions, local copy
- Decided to write again on the subject after some experiences: Why I will never work again for a "London" company
- Some more thoughts on the companies that decide out of nowhere to onboard a very big client account: Problematic Business Relationships part 2, the cult of the one big client, local copy, hacker news link
A list of posts originally in medium:
- Your old posts: How Austin’s Yourself Online helps delete the past, local copy
- Entroware Apollo review, local copy
- Reflections on "On the beach": IT personalities, job hopping and staffing, local copy
- On London Startups: The good the bad and the ugly part 1, local copy
- On London Startups: The good the bad and the ugly part 2, local copy
Startups - Articles in Greek
A series of articles in Greek about startups, mainly IT related. Written in Greek because of limited content available in that language as well as having an emerging small startup scene at the timeof writing. Posting as guest of tnfy blog not only because I liked it and wanted to contribute there, but also because the layout changes, the images and other contributions of the owner highly elevate copy's quality and appearance. Blog now defunct, outbound links from web archive.
- Startups 101: Definitions, what's a startup, local copy
- Startups 102: Staffing, local copy
- Startups 103: Raising capital, local copy
- Startups 104: Urban Legends, local copy
- Startup postmortems, local copy
- Startup reading list, local copy
- Startup wrap up: Final post on the series, recap of previous articles, corrections and personal evaluation of the experience, local copy
- What’s the difference between college-level and corporate programming? : one of the answers of the article featured in in Ars Technica, local copy
- Deploy Rails (production) on your own server
- Substraction and the art of code maintenance
- A "sivering" moment – Whatever scares you… About the influence of Derek Sivers
- The path to SJCP 310-065 exam: Some notes and advice about preparing and taking the exam
- The path to SJCP 310-065 exam - Part 2: Follow up on researching sample exam questions from scratch, using Java's labels as an example
- Courseira/Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Functional Programming Principles in Scala, local copy
- Data Science at General Assembly, local copy Java Standard Edition 6 Programmer, transcript
- Oracle Certified Java Associate, CX-310-019, entry level certification for the Java ecosystem, transcript, certification
- Microsoft Certified Partner, Microsoft Certification 70-315 titled "Developing and Implementing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual C# .NET and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET", transcript